


Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most prevailing chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. Unlike the more well known molecule, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is completely non-psychoactive.

You can't expect to feel high from CBD but you will certainly feel total relaxation without intoxication.

While CBD still has an effect on your body, consuming CBD by itself isn’t going to send you on the cerebral adventure associated with THC. For decades, medical professionals and the general public would never consider the benefits of CBD because of the psychoactive affect from THC.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for Cannabidiol, a natural component of the hemp plant and an alternative to THC. CBD is used in CBD oil and other products to help relax and reduce stress and anxiety.

What is different about CBD than THC?

While CBD is a part of the cannabis plant, it is legal to consume yet provides beneficial effects instead of the harmful effects of THC (Marijuana). It effects different parts of the brain and creates a soothing and relaxing effect that is completely safe and natural. CBD has been shown to negate the effects of THC and it is impossible to get “high” off of CBD.

Is CBD legal?

Yes, it is legal in all 50 states without a prescription and unlike THC, is not a controlled substance and is legal to buy, sell, and distribute. CBD will also not show on a drug test as it doesn’t have the same properties of scheduled drugs prohibited by the MHRA.

What are the effects of CBD?

The effects of CBD vape juice have not been shown to be harmful. It is suggested you do your own research as it is still under study and these effects have not been confirmed by the FDA, but for now it is a much safer alternative to TCH because you can’t get high off of it and it is non-addictive. Studies have shown that CBD does not interfere with psychomotor or psychological functions. Many people are confused by the terms and think that CBD has the same harmful effects as marijuana (THC) however it does not. It actually seems to reduce the intoxicating effects that THC causes. Effects such as memory impairment and the other negative effects associated with marijuana are not caused by CBD and are actually reduced with its usage as it interacts with the brain completely differently.

How is CBD produced?

CBD comes from industrial hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant specifically used for industrial products. It has a variety of uses and has been used for thousands of years. It is a fast growing plant and over 10,000 years ago was first used to spin into usable fibers, later being refined for use in textiles, paper and clothing. It has also been used in plastics, paint, and animal feed. CBD has very low concentrations of THC and is part of a different strain with very different properties, eliminating the negative psychoactive effects of THC. Rest assured that CBD is safe and legal.